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Check out some of our best gear for Saltwater Anglers!
Every year we have the privilege of outfitting anglers all around the world. But as any serious angler knows, not all gear is created equal. Here are our picks for the best gear of the year, the items that set themselves apart from the fray.
As any serious angler knows it's hard to have a great day on the water if you're cold, wet, and uncomfortable. Here we've included the gear that's guaranteed to keep a smile on your face no matter what mother nature throws at you.
Finding great deals may seem tougher and tougher these days, but rest assured they are out there if you know where to look. This holiday season our team did a little of the legwork for you by rounding up some of our favorite deals on rods, reels, and everything in between.
Ah, the Trout Bum. You probably know one or two of these characters. The ones whose waders are always wet, who have bits of fly tying material perpetually stuck to them. If that sounds familiar, and if you have one on your shopping list this year, fear not. We've got you covered.
Saltwater anglers are a special breed, braving wind and waves to chase the fish they love. Here we've pulled together some of our favorite gear for your favorite saltwater angler, tried and tested by our customers and expert team here at the shop.
March 21, 2025 8 min read
Hello Compleat Angler friends! We’ve had a little more consistency in warmer weather this past week, and flows are back down to below average levels on our local rivers and streams. As a result of both factors, there is more consistency in the Small Black Stonefly hatches, and trout are now keying in on them with more frequency. Some rivers may have more prolific hatches, and when prevalent, both skating and dead drifting a dry fly will work. In addition, stocked fish are being caught on a variety of methods from streamers to nymphs, until they start to key in on the natural forage. There are plenty of great options right now throughout Connecticut, and things will continue to improve. It is important to note that the Housatonic River is currently high and will be safe for wading once flows drop below 1000 CFS. For the saltwater, the Herring are just starting to show up, and most of the Striper activity is still concentrated upriver on the Housatonic. We should start to see improvements towards the mouth of the river midway through April. We have started our New York Catskills report for Spring, and the Delaware River currently has some good streamer fishing with the potential for trout rising to Black Stoneflies during the sunny afternoons. Flows are currently below average on all options except the East Branch. On the Salmon River in New York, flows are high from snowmelt, so we recommend waiting until flows decrease a bit. However, this could trigger some Steelhead to start dropping back.
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March 14, 2025 7 min read
Hello Compleat Angler friends! The improvement this week comes in the form of reduced flows, and all our local options are either near or below average. This will make for some easier wading and improved dry fly opportunities, especially during the afternoons when you may see a prolific Small Black Stonefly Hatch. Other hatches to consider are Caddis during the morning and Midges throughout the day. This time of year is all about the Small Black Stoneflies, however, which will only continue to get better in the coming weeks as water temperatures warm a bit, and trout key in on them more often. For this weekend, a variety of techniques will be working, especially with trout recently stocked in some rivers and streams. From small Woolly Buggers to Mop flies and more natural nymphs, you will want to bring a variety with you. The Farmington has ideal clarity and flows for wading. Some anglers are finding good numbers of stocked fish while others are catching some quality holdovers, mainly on small imitative nymphs. Meanwhile, the Housatonic River is still high but shaping up for wading soon. Overall, there are some great options now, and they will only continue to improve with the weather. On the Salmon River in New York, anglers are finding Steelhead in their usually Wintertime haunts, so the slower deeper pools are still fishing well. In the coming weeks Steelhead will start to drop back down river. We can expect flows to be near or above average as there is still a fair amount of snow that has yet to melt. Anglers putting in their time are finding single digit numbers of Steelhead each day spread throughout the entire river, with an occasional Brown Trout. Both nymphing and swinging flies will be working.
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March 07, 2025 6 min read
Hello Compleat Angler friends! Spring Trout Stocking is officially underway, the only tough news is the high water from this past week’s rain which has flows stained and above average. Flows should drop back towards average quickly, however, and we can expect some improved fishing as they approach average. While these flows decrease subsurface techniques will be the most effective and using some larger and flashier flies will help if flows are still stained during your outing. When flows are towards average you can expect Small Black Stoneflies to be the main hatch throughout the afternoon in sizes 16-18, which will become more prolific as temperatures warm. You may also encounter some Midges throughout the day as well as Caddis during the morning hours. There will be plenty of options and fish now, with trout holding over from Fall stockings as well as a supplement of Spring stockings occurring. As a reminder, Connecticut is catch-and-release statewide until the second Saturday in April. Steelhead fishing continues with Winter trends, as fish have not yet dropped back until consistent warmer temperatures. Anglers are still working hard for their fish; focus on the deeper slower pools and runs, and you may be rewarded with a fish or two each day.
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February 28, 2025 7 min read
Hello Compleat Angler friends! This past week we’ve had a little taste of Spring, and with the moderate temperatures comes snow melt which has local flows above average. The most significant improvement is the arrival of the Small Black Stonefly hatch throughout most of our rivers. You will see them hatching in sizes 16-18 during the sunnier afternoons. Water temperatures are still cold so trout activity on these hatches is spotty, and subsurface will still be the most effective technique. Both jigged streamers and nymphs are catching some nice holdover fish. On the Salmon River, which has below average flows, some anglers are finding a Steelhead each day if they put in the work. Temperatures are still cold, with snow and rain expected in the forecast. Fish will still be in their winter lies until water temperatures improve, so focus on the slower and deeper pools and stretches of river.
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February 21, 2025 7 min read
Hello Compleat Angler friends! Flows are low, cold, and many areas are frozen or slushed on our local rivers and streams. However, temperatures will improve a bit for this upcoming week and will reach a high of 48 degrees. This will help hatches a bit, and the most significant improvement for this week is the start of the Small Black Stonefly hatches which will only continue top improve as we get closer to Spring. Nymphing is still the most productive method, and anglers that are fishing hard have been rewarded with a few quality fish on the Farmington River. In upstate New York on the Salmon River, anglers fishing for Steelhead have been experiencing cold weather and high winds. As a result, the DSR is closed until windchill ceases. During the warmer days, persistence anglers have been finding a fish or two each day on the upper portions of river, from Pineville to Altmar, which is currently clear of shelf ice and slush. Again, nymphing will be the most effective method with lower-than-average water, and focus on the deeper and slower pools will yield the most success.
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February 07, 2025 7 min read
Hello Compleat Angler friends! This week flows are still below average on all of our local rivers and streams, so we have similar conditions when compared to last week. Flows are low and clear with air temperatures around the mid-30s. While hatches are diminished during cold conditions, you may find some Winter Caddis hatching in the morning followed by Midges. In addition, flows were cut on the West Branch of the Farmington, and the Housatonic is below average. Some areas have shelf ice, or the slower pools are frozen over. Generally, above Riverton on the Farmington has been clear of ice. On the Salmon River in New York, flows were dropped to below average, but previous high flows have pushed more Steelhead into the system that are now holding in the river. The lower river, when clear of slush, has been producing a few fish for anglers each day with some being lucky enough to find double digit numbers. Both swinging flies and nymphing have been productive. Upriver, conditions are clear and easy for wading, and with fish spread throughout the system, anglers are finding a fish or two each day from Pineville to Altmar.
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January 31, 2025 7 min read
Hello Compleat Angler friends! We don’t have any groundbreaking improvements for this week on our local rivers and streams. Because flows are cold and below average, ice or slush have been an issue on some sections, causing some anglers to turn to fly tying to stock their boxes for warmer days ahead. To avoid the ice on the Farmington River, anglers are fishing upriver of Riverton which is clear. We have a few warm days for this upcoming week, reaching into the low 40s. Timing your fishing around these afternoons can be the most productive opportunity for winter fishing. The Housatonic River is also experiencing shelf ice and slush. On the Salmon River in New York, flows were raised to above average which has improved catch rates a bit on the lower sections of the river when they’re not iced over. We have a cold weekend ahead with some warmer days during the upcoming week. Anglers are consistently finding a Steelhead or two each day from Pineville to Altmar. Persistence and a warm layering system will help you be more successful out there.
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January 24, 2025 7 min read
Hello Compleat Angler friends! For those brave souls venturing out during these conditions we hope you all have managed to stay warm. There are no significant changes this week in terms of flows, and with the continuation of low water and cold weather, slush and ice have been an issue on some rivers. For instance, on some of the slower pools of the Farmington River, shelf ice and/or slush has been prevalent until the sunnier afternoon. Hatches will be diminished, but on occasion Winter Caddis and Midges will be hatching. Nymphing has been the most productive option. However, on average catch rates will be lower during winter. Persistence, covering water slowly and methodically, and planning your outings during the warmer days will help in your success. On the Salmon River in New York, smatterings of snow will be expected throughout the week with air temperatures ranging from the 20s to 30s. When the lower river isn’t slushed up, anglers putting in their time have been finding a fish each day. It’s a similar story upriver, however slush isn’t as much of an issue at the moment.
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January 17, 2025 7 min read
Hello Compleat Angler friends! No momentous changes this week in terms of flows and weather. However, planning your winter fishing around the warmer and sunnier days can result in finding some Winter Caddis hatches in the morning followed by Midges. Anglers having the most success, however, are fishing subsurface with nymphs and jigged streamers. For nymphing, generally small imitative flies will work, especially your Midge patterns. It is still worth bringing some egg patterns and Mop Flies, as those can entice additional fish. Trout fishing can be slow during the winter, but you can find a bite window in which the fishing improves, which is generally when water temperatures are at their warmest in the afternoon. With that said local temperatures will be in the teens for this upcoming week, so bring some warm layers if deciding to fish. On the Salmon River in New York, Steelhead conditions are of a similar tune; temperatures will be in the teens with snow throughout the week. On the colder mornings slush is prevalent on the lower sections of river, while areas from Pineville to Altmar are still clear. Anglers that have been grinding are finding a fish or two each day.
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January 10, 2025 7 min read
Hello Compleat Angler friends! The cold winter weather continues, and with that cold water temperatures and sluggish trout. This week brings no momentous changes in terms of fishing, however with the colder water you will want to adapt your techniques and approaches. Focusing on sections of the runs that have slower flows will help since trout are more lethargic. Slower metabolism in cold weather means they will feed or move to a fly less often, so it helps to have a methodical approach. Spending more time picking apart an area means there’s a better chance your fly will appropriately present itself to fish. All local rivers and streams have good clarity and easy wading since flows are below average. The Housatonic River is also back down to fishable levels, and the Farmington has average flows. While hatches are diminished you may find some Winter Caddis hatching during the morning, followed by Midges in the afternoon. The best techniques are currently subsurface, either nymphing or fishing jig streamers. The Salmon River in New York has cold conditions for Steelhead fishing, with slush being an issue in the lower stretches of river. Altmar to Pineville is still fishable with below average flows. Anglers are finding a few fish each day, however, catch rates have been slower. Your best techniques are nymphing with Egg Flies or Stoneflies, and swinging streamers.
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January 03, 2025 7 min read
Hello Compleat Angler friends, we hope some of you were able to take advantage of the warmer weather last week, and congratulations to all those anglers that have found their first fish of 2025! Temperatures are colder this week, but the sunnier days are helping warm temperatures just enough during the afternoon to create a bite window when trout are most active. Most anglers sre having good results when nymphing, however you may encounter some morning Winter Caddis hatches or fish willing to rise to Midges throughout the day. Anglers that are fishing local are finding fish holding from Fall stockings, namely on the Mianus, Saugatuck, and Mill Rivers. Putting in the time and fishing slow and methodically are key ingredients for winter fishing since Trout are more lethargic. Anglers fishing the Farmington have been finding some nice quality fish on small nymphs and streamers fished slowly or jigged. For our Steelhead Anglers, the cold, wind, and snow are elements you will have to battle this weekend and into next week. If deciding to fish a good layering system is a must. Flows are above average on the Salmon River, which means that fish will be traveling and pushing into the system. Anglers braving the elements and putting in their time are being rewarded with a few fish each day. Fish are spread throughout the entire river from the DSR into Altmar. Stay warm out there!
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December 27, 2024 7 min read
Hello Compleat Angler friends! While air and water temperatures have been frigid this past week, we will see a warmer stretch of weather starting Sunday and lasting until Wednesday. This will help warm water temperatures a bit during the afternoon, and hopefully jumpstart some Winter Caddis or Midge hatches. Overall, winter fishing can be tricky, however flows and clarity are all good on our local rivers and streams. Anglers braving the elements are being rewarded with trout left from the Fall stocking. In addition, anglers are still finding holdover trout on the Farmington River. With hatches diminished during the Winter, subsurface will be the most effective method, and during cold temperatures trout are now preferring their winter leis, which consist of slower deeper pools. Low and slow is the name of the game for nymphing, and you can expect strikes to be subtle. The Housatonic River currently has below average flows and easy wading, with plenty of fish from Fall stocking. On the Salmon River in New York, flows were dropped but are still above average. These higher flows have pushed more Steelhead into the system, which is making for some great fishing, especially in the lower sections of the river.
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