Scott Bennett

Manager Scott Bennett is our resident Pike, Largemouth Bass and Bonefish expert. If you’re looking to catch big aggressive Pike or Largemouth Bass, or contemplating your next bonefish trip, ask him for tips. He’s an expert on all things fishing – can fix reels and rods, tie flies, and is on par with grizzlies and pelicans in catching fish! Photo above with a Bluefin Tuna in Point Judith, Rhode Island.

Bob Reichart

Bob’s specialty is Atlantic Salmon fishing. He can tell you tales of triumph and woe in his pursuit of the “king of sportfish.” He has fished all throughout Canada – including Labrador, Quebec and New Brunswick. He also enjoys fishing the rivers of the Catskills and the large rivers of Connecticut including the Housatonic and the Farmington. In the photo above, he proudly displays an Atlantic Salmon which he caught in Flo’s Pool, fishing out of the Ledges Inn, in New Brunswick, Canada.

Scott Loecher

Scott “The Fish Doctor” Loecher is an experienced fishing guide and teacher with over 30 years of passion for his craft. He’s our resident salt water expert and if you’re looking to wade fish on Long Island Sound, he’d be happy to share his expertise on tactics, casting and locating fish. Look to him also for wade fishing tips in the rivers. Scott offers casting instruction in the shop on Saturday afternoons (call for an appointment). Photo above with a striped bass on Long Island Sound.

Forrest Savage

Forrest is a fishing virtuoso! From a young age he studied “Oceanography” class, aka playing hooky from school to tuna fish. Since then, fly fishing has brought him to some unique locations. Some of his favorite fish to target on a fly rod are bonefish, false albacore, and steelhead. Forrest worked in Alaska for three years in the guide industry targeting Rainbow Trout, Grayling, and Pacific Salmon species. He is also our resident expert for all things concerning Spey Rods, local pike, Montauk fishing, and getting you geared up for the Alaskan trip of a lifetime. When he’s not working in the shop, he behind the vice crafting flies for his next adventure.


Matt is the newest member to the team. He's a fisherman, an artist, a lover of all things nature and we're excited to have him aboard! He grew up in Washington State and in Maine so is well versed in both East and West Coast Fishing. Feel free to pick his brain on spey, striper and trout fishing. Among his many artistic talents are photography, lost wax casting, scultpure and woodblock printing. He's the illustrator, using woodblock printing, of the just released book, River Songs, Moments of Wild Wonder in Fly Fishing by Steve Duda. Copies available in-store and online.