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June 01, 2016 2 min read

Greetings Compleat Anglers!   Here is the fishing report for June 1st.

Fishing has remained strong in Connecticut and Catskill rivers and in Long Island Sound, but fresh-water anglers should pay close attention to river conditions and water temperatures in both Catskill and Connecticut rivers.  In  the Catskills, water temperatures have risen quickly, and the lower East Branch of the Delaware and the Main Stem of the Delaware currently have dangerously high water temperatures that have peaked into the 70’s.  At these temperatures, the water carries less oxygen and the trout are severely stressed.  Even when returned to the river after being caught many trout will not survive. Delaware fishermen should keep a close eye on these temperatures, and focus their fishing on the Upper East Branch and West Branch, where temperatures have remained cold.  On the Delaware system, go-to fly patterns have been Green Drakes, March Browns, Gray Fox, Sulfurs, BWOs, and tan Caddis.  In Connecticut, the West Branch of the Farmington has been fishing beautifully and is icy cold with temperatures in the low 50’s. Anglers have been taking some beautiful fish on March Browns, Gray Fox, Sulfurs, tan & olive Caddis,  and nymphs and wets such as Caddis pupa, Hare’s Ear, Pheasant Tails, and other soft-hackle imitations. Euro-nymphing on the Farmington has taken some beautiful fish.  Currently, the Housatonic is flowing at 1730 cfs at Falls Village and is unfishable, but it should be in fishable shape by the weekend. Anglers on the Housatonic have been taking lots of great fish on Cahills, Sulfurs, Gray Fox, and olive and tan Caddis. In the current Housatonic high-water flows be sure to carry some streamers along with you.

In LI Sound, Capt. Roger Gendron, from Connecticut Island Outfitters reports water temperatures in the low 60s. Roger reported that the bass bite has improved nicely, with most fish being taken deep with weighted lines. There have also been some nice schoolie and mid-sized bass taken along the shoreline, so get out there with you fly rods! Out in mid-Sound, there have been schools of big Blues cruising along the surface – some going over 10 pounds!  Roger reports that they can be skittish but a well-placed surface plug or fly can close the deal! Roger can be contacted at

River flows and temps are as follows:

EB Delaware at Fishes Eddy:   501 cfs at 67 degrees

WB Delaware at Hale Eddy:  477 cfs at 51 degrees

Mainstem Delaware at Lordville:  1150 cfs at 70 degrees

WB Farmington at Riverton:  291 cfs at low 50’s

Still River at Robertsville:  43 cfs

WB Farmington through TMA:  334 cfs at low 50’s

Housatonic at Falls Village:   1730 cfs

As always, stop by the shop for all your angling needs and information!  Tight Lines!