June 06, 2018 1 min read

In Long Island Sound, fishing continues to be strong.  Captain Roger Gendron from Connecticut Island Outfitters  info@ctislandoutfitters.com  reports that the gator Blues have rolled into the Sound. Roger reports that the Blues were offshore this week sliding across the surface like partially submerged submarines, making sight-casting really exciting. These fish are really big as well (check out the below photo taken by Roger).

Roger also reports that the Striped Bass action is still strong and we now appear to be in the thick of the spring run. The water temperatures are still perfect, there are lots of bait schools (Bunker, Silversides, Sand Eels) which are providing great attraction for many migrating fish. If you're hankering to get out in the water and chase some of these crazy, wild fish, give Roger a call at 203-216-0991- you'll have a great time on the water and come back with a sore arm! If you prefer to bang the beaches, early mornings or dropping tides are your best bets for both Blues and Stripers - try the river mouths, or any of the beaches from Greenwich North might provide you with some great action, Any of the Deceivers, Clausers, Sand Eel or Bay Anchovy patters will do the trick - and don't forget to keep some poppers or crease fly patterns in your box!