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November 01, 2024 13 min read

Hello Compleat Angler Friends! We received a little rain this week which has bumped flows slightly on our local rivers and streams, however the increase was marginal, and they are still running below average. As a result, the fish have been finnicky and concentrated in the deeper pools. For instance, on the Housatonic, you may see plenty of fish rising, however they are picky and eating small flies. The usual hatch will be small Blue Winged Olives in sizes 20-24, with some Isonychia and Light Cahill hatching throughout the day and into the evenings. The streamer fishing has been holding up on the Farmington, Housatonic, and in the Catskills despite the low flows. Since Brown Trout have started spawning make sure to avoid these actively spawning fish and trampling on their Redds. It will also be worth adding some egg patterns in conjunction with smaller more imitative nymphs in sizes 14-20. The Salmon River in New York is also has low water, but anglers are finding a few Kings left but mainly Steelhead. On the Saltwater, if you’re fishing by foot in Connecticut this weekend the beachfronts have seen more Striper activity. During the morning hours you can find them pushing Peanut Bunker into the shallows. Our boat anglers have been finding some Bluefish, however they are far and few. The best bet when fishing by boat is to focus on the coves and mouths of the rivers, and searching for birds. New York, Rhode Island, and New Jersey currently have the bulk of the Striper migration, and these areas further East of us are fishing great. The most prevalent bait will be Sand Eels and Peanut Bunker.

Read on for more…


Local Rivers

Flows are extremely low on our local rivers and streams, for instance the Saugatuck River is flowing at 26 CFS and the consensus is that we need more rain. We did receive a small amount this past week which has bumped the flows a couple CFS. Low water is making fishing tricky because the Trout are holding in select areas with enough current and depth. They are also very wary, and when you see a fish rising they will most likely be on small Blue Winged Olive Emergers (sizes 20-24). Using a stealthy approach is a must to avoid putting these fish down. Strikes will be very subtle in the areas with slower currents if you’re fishing subsurface. Smaller drab-colored nymphs will be working in conjunction with Pheasant Tails, Prince Nymphs, Caddis Larvae, Waltz Worms, and Perdigones in sizes 14-20, as well as Zebra Midges in sizes 18-20. Anglers are still finding a few fish willing to cooperate on Egg Flies, Mop Flies, and Squirmies. Finding areas with enough depth is crucial, as most fish that have been stocked have not yet spread out due to low flows. A good low water technique is also a dry/dropper rig, and an Elk Hair Caddis will work well when paired with a small nymph and is stealthier compared to an indicator rig. Streamer fishing has been tricky during the low water since fish are on high alert, so look for an improvement when flows increase. If you decide to try streamers, using small jig files with a slow jigging presentation can entice fish. When dry fly fishing in low and clear flows, it helps to present a dry fly downstream because fish will be seeing the fly before your leader and fly line. Other dry flies to consider include Sulphurs and Light Cahills in 12-18, Tan Caddis in 16-20, and Midges in 18-24. Having a drag free presentation is a must as fish are on their A game.

Naugatuck River

The Naugatuck is also very low at 87.5 CFS at the Beacon Falls gauge. Water temperatures have improved, and temperatures are ideal no matter the time of day. The main hatches will be Tan Caddis in sizes 16-18, Blue Winged Olives (especially on overcast days) in sizes 18-20, Midges in sizes 20-24, and Ant Patterns. Light Cahills are hatching more commonly during the evening hours in sizes 16-18. If you see some fish rising in the morning, most likely they are on Blue Winged Olive Emergers. For nymphing the usual suspects will work well, Caddis Larvae, Pheasant Tails, Prince Nymphs, Waltz Worms and Perdigones in sizes 16-18. Also consider bringing Zebra Midges in sizes 18-24, Mop Flies, Egg Flies, and Squirmies. Streamer fishing will be good during the dropping flows and as water temperatures drop in the Fall. All sections of the Naugatuck were stocked and there are still some fish left from Spring Stocking. Recently stocked fish have been in the river for a week now but will still take a variety of flies. In addition, both the Shetucket and Naugatuck Rivers received a round of Trout stocking as well as Atlantic Salmon. For targeting Atlantic Salmon, swinging and/or stripping streamers and traditional hairwing flies, Woolly Buggers, and different color intruders will work well. Change flies after swinging through a pool, as sometimes Salmon will be triggered by a particular color or fly that has some added flash. Focus on the midsection of your runs and deeper pools when water levels are low, these areas will provide the safest holding water. The Naugatuck and Shetucket are good alternatives for areas with more crowds/pressure. Be mindful of stream temperatures and keep most of your fishing to the morning hours when water temperatures are at their coolest.

USGS Water-data graph for site 01208500

Farmington River

The West Branch in Riverton received a bump in flows this past week, and the Riverton Gauge is currently reading 66.7 CFS. Water temperatures have been fluctuating in the mid-50s to low 60s. The Still River is adding 12.7 CFS. While there has been a small increase in flows, water is still low with good clarity. During these low flows we recommend a stealthy approach, longer leaders, and smaller more imitative flies. Anglers are still finding some stocked fish as well as nice holdover Brown Trout with these fish becoming more active during their pre-spawn. Just make sure to avoid the actively spawning Brown Trout, and stay clear of their spawning beds (redds). Since water temperatures are cooler during the mornings most of the hatch activity occurs throughout the afternoon. Your usual hatches are Blue Winged Olives in sizes 18-20 during overcast days, Tan Caddis in sizes 18-20, and Isonychia in sizes 12-14. Try fishing Isonychia emergers and Adults during the evening in faster. The holdover and wild trout will be very selective this time of year, so it helps to bring a variety of sizes and offerings. During reduced and normal flows with good clarity, we recommend using long leaders in 5x-7x for dry flies (12’ or longer). Swinging wet flies, such as a Caddis Pupae, can be an effective technique when Caddis hatch in the mornings and afternoons. Nymphing is going to be the most productive method during the afternoon when hatch activity is lowest. For nymphing, you will want to bring Pheasant Tails and Prince Nymphs in sizes 12-20, Caddis Larva 14-18, Perdigones 12-20, Hare’s Ears 14-18, Waltz Worms in 14-18, Golden Stoneflies in sizes 8-10, and Zebra Midges in 18-24. Since stocked trout have been in the system for a while, we recommend using smaller and more imitative nymphs that match their wild forage. In terms of rigging, look to use 5x-6x Fluorocarbon when nymphing. Smaller nymphs in sizes 18-20 will pair well on a dry/dropper rig. For Streamer fishing you’ll want to bring some Woolly Buggers and jig style streamers in sizes 8-10 in a variety of colors: Olive, Black, White, and Brown. Fishing articulated flies on a sinking/sink tip line can be another useful tool to include in your arsenal. Weighted Sculpin patterns are another consideration and can be fished on a floating line. Despite the low flows the streamer bite has been good, especially during the morning hours. Just make sure to avoid fish that are actively paired up and spawning. Below actively spawning fish egg patterns will start working well, in addition they will work on stocked fish as well. Now is a good time for our Trout Spey anglers to use Scandi heads and polyleaders during these lower flows. Try swinging some wet flies on less aggressive sinking tips, as insects will become more active during the afternoon. Remember to not high or low hole anyone. Let’s be respectful to other anglers. Good luck! Keep in mind: Please report any suspicious activity and poaching to DEEP by calling 1-860-424-3333.

USGS Water-data graph for site 01186000

USGS Water-data graph for site 01186500

Housatonic River

The Housatonic River flows have been holding steady and are currently low in Falls Village, reading 238 CFS. Fish that were stocked have yet to spread out during these flows, therefore the deepest of pools will be holding the most fish. Despite the flows anglers have been catching good numbers of fish on a variety of techniques. For dry fly fishing, small Blue Winged Olives in sizes 18-24 will be most prevalent during the mornings and afternoons, and you may find fish rising on them, especially down by the Meadows. These fish have been very tricky, so having a long leader, small fly, and drag free drift are all musts. You may also encounter some Isonychia in sizes 12-14, and Light Cahill in sizes 14-16 during the evening hours. You may still find some Flying Ants and Caddis at any given time, so it will be worth bringing these flies. During these low flows a longer leader in 5x-7x is ideal. Nymphing will be an effective method when you don’t see any hatch activity or fish rising. Good nymphs to include in your rotation this time of year include Caddis and Scud patterns, Waltz Worms, Perdigones, Prince Nymphs, and Pheasant Tails all in sizes 14-18. In addition, bring some Golden Stoneflies in sizes 8-12, as well as some Zebra Midges in sizes 18-20. Having a double nymph rig will give the fish multiple options, and well as cover different areas in the water column. The streamer bite has been picking up now that Brown Trout are more aggressive during pre-spawn. Bringing some smaller conehead Woolly Buggers will work during these low flows, as well as larger articulated streamers on sink tip lines. Make sure to avoid fish that are actively spawning and avoid stepping on Redds. Anglers are still catching some Smallmouth Bass on streamers and poppers.

USGS Water-data graph for site 01199000


Around the coast of Old Saybrook and New London there have been some Bonito and Bluefish roaming on bait, however every day has been different in terms of finding them up top. Around Middleground and further east the Bonito bite has slowed, but we’re still seeing Bluefish 6-10lbs on Bay Anchovies. Norwalk has seen an improvement in Striper activity in the form of schoolies blitzing on Peanut Bunker both along the outside and withing the rock structures of the islands, and some mornings you may find fish activity in the harbor. Areas to focus on in general include coves, harbors, and the mouths of rivers in the upcoming weeks. The primary forage is Peanut Bunker, Silversides, and Bay Anchovies, Sand Eels, and there are plenty around for the fish to find. Small and wide profile baitfish imitations, such as an EP Peanut Butter Fly, is a good pattern for both the Baby Butterfish and Peanut Bunker. For Bay Anchovies, a Surf Candy is always a good choice. For our wade anglers, the action has improved during the morning hours along the Fairfield and Westport beaches. They can be found pushing Peanut Bunker into the shallows. There have also been fish starting to stage near the mouth of the Housatonic River. When fishing by boat or wading, it helps to look for the birds diving on bait. This time of year, you may find Stripers cruising the flats early in the morning before the heat of the sun. For our saltwater fishery we recommend using a 9 or 10wt rod paired with an intermediate sinking line. For your leader a shorter 7.5ft section of 20-30lb will turn over easily when paired with a Clouser or other larger wind resistant flies. For colors consider bringing Olive and White on clear sunny days. If the water is stained, bringing brighter colors such as Chartreuse and White will help stand out in dirty water. If there’s no surface activity, marking fish with sonar and using full sinking lines will also work on deeper water ledges. For this fishing we recommend a 4-6” Deceiver in Olive/White and an aggressive full sinking line. Overall, our Striper season has also had a late start, and we’re hoping to see more numbers and size of migratory fish as we get into November. Please be safe out there and respectful to other boaters!

Hot Flies:

Deceivers in various colors


Peanut Bunker Patterns

Custom Tied Baby Bunker (Super Realistic!)

Medium Sized Bunker Flies

Bob’s Banger (Stripers and Bluefish)

Larger Herring Flies


Good Fly Lines For Fall:

SA Full Intermediate

Rio Outbound Short (Good for big flies and big winds)

Rio Striper (Good all-rounder)

Airflo Universal Cold Salt



Rio Striped Bass Leader


Please report any poaching to the DEEP by calling 800-842-4357.

New York

Salmon River

Anglers have been mainly finding Steelhead with a few Kings still moving up the run, however the focus has been on Steelhead. Steelhead are now spread out into all sections of the river, with some fish pushing into the lower sections daily despite low flows reading 371 CFS at the Pineville Gauge. Numbers of fish should improve during higher water events, so the consensus is the need for more rain, as anglers are mainly catching single digit numbers of fish each day. Nymphing is the most effective technique now, and smaller egg patterns around 6mm are working with the low clear water. Using fluorocarbon leaders will aid in abrasion resistance and strength in smaller diameters. We recommend using 9’ leaders in 1-3X, and having a barrel swivel connecting your leader to tippet will help for faster rerigging during break-offs, as well as offer a point where your splitshot can’t slide down to your fly. Popular eggs colors include Chartreuse, Orange, Pink, Cheese, and Blue. Estaz Eggs, Glo-Bugs, Sucker Spawn, Stoneflies, and Squirmy Worms are all flies to consider bringing. Anglers swinging flies can opt for Woolly Buggers in a variety of colors, Egg Sucking Leeches, or PNW style Intruder Flies. These can be swung with single hand or spey rods in conjunction with a sink tip. Some anglers are finding a few Brown Trout in the lower to middle sections of the river, however look for an improvement in numbers throughout November. Overcast conditions tend to help fishing, as fish will be more wary during the bright sunny days.

USGS Water-data graph for site 01186000


Flows remain below average on the Mainstem of the Delaware River, reading 1230 CFS at the Lordville gauge. The West Branch has seen a small improvement and is currently above average at 931 CFS in Hale Eddy, while the East Branch is well below average at 289 CFS. All sections have good water temperatures, fluctuating in the low 50s to low 60s while the East Branch has the coolest water temperatures. As a result, there is an uptick in Trout activity, whether you’re searching for rising fish or hitting the banks with small streamers. Conehead Wooly Buggers on a floating line has been the hot ticket as of recent since most sections are below average, so there is no need for sinking lines yet. The main hatches for this time of year are Isonychia during the evening hours in sizes 12-14, Blue Winged Olives in sizes 18-22, and Light Cahills in sizes 14-16. Bringing a variety of these insects is crucial as they will key in on any stage of these hatches. The hatches aren’t phenomenal; however, you will find Trout picking off a variety of these insects throughout the afternoon (especially Blue Winged Olives). The trout will be wary and picky this time of year, so fly size, a long leader, and good presentation is crucial. A stealthy approach will also be beneficial during these lower flows. Dry dropper rigs during these flows will be a great searching technique. Use a reach cast with an upstream mend to ensure feeding fish see your fly first and not your fly line or leader. Nymphing has been the most consistent producer when there are no hatches. For nymphs we recommend bringing Prince Nymphs, Pheasant Tails, Caddis Larvae, Perdigones, Waltz Worms, etc... In sizes #12-#20. Nymphing during the sunnier afternoons and mornings has been the most productive. If trout are on Caddis, try fishing some emergers just below the surface film if they’re refusing the adult. Larger streamers will also be in play now that Brown Trout are getting ready to spawn, however take care to avoid fishing to spawning fish and stepping on their Redds. Other nearby rivers and streams are very low and are still in need of some rain which will improve the fishing.

New York Saltwater

Striper fishing has been great recently, with improvements around Montauk Point. Larger schools of Stripers have showed up along the South Shore of Long Island from Montauk Point to Fire Island and are demolishing bait in good sized rafts. Most of the fish are Schoolies sized to 30lbs, with some larger fish in the mix. Anglers are starting to find more action on foot along these beach fronts as fish push bait onto shore. Many of the larger migratory fish are on larger Bunker around the 4-6” size on deeper structure, and you will also find Bay Anchovies, Silversides, Juvenile Bluefish, and Sand Eels. Off Moriches there are also some larger schools of Bluefish with some Stripers. Anglers are still finding some Bonito stragglers left over from the large schools; however the numbers are now far and few. You may come across small schools of them along the Northshore by boat. The bays, harbors, coves, and salt ponds have seen an increase in schoolie activity. For this fishing you will want to bring some smaller sparse Clousers in #2 and a variety of colors, small Deceivers, Sand Eel patterns and Crabs. The bait has made a transition to smaller sizes, and at any given time the smaller bait is Silversides, Sand Eels, and Bay Anchovies. Most of the larger Bluefish are situated on the North Shore of Long Island around Plum Gut, with a few schoolie Stripers. In addition, some anglers are also finding Bonito in this area. Look for the birds which will give away the location of Bluefish or rafts of Stripers feeding. Overall, the Albie season has been a bust but were grateful to see a good uptick in Striper fishing.

Rhode Island Saltwater

The Rhode Island Striper bite has been holding steady in the bays, coves, mouth of rivers, and along the beachfronts from Watch Hill into the Cape, with a good concentration of fish around Newport and the Providence River. Fisher’s Island also has Striper schools feeding on top. Anglers are also finding some Bluefish mixed in with the surface action, however their numbers have tapered off this past week. The best time to fish is during the early morning hours when temperatures are at their coolest. Some anglers are finding a few pods of Bonito still left over; however, the hardtail action has tapered off. Albies haven’t really moved West of the Cape in good numbers. Block Island Striper fishing has also seen an uptick with some larger fish migrating through the area. Most of the bait consists of Silversides, and Bay Anchovies from 1”-3”. You may also come across Bass and Bluefish crashing Bunker in the 4-6” range. Anglers in the Cape are still finding Albies, however the numbers have been tapering off.