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September 29, 2023 11 min read

For our freshwater anglers Fall has officially arrived, and with that Fall/Winter state stockings. Stockings begin with select ponds and lakes, so we will keep you posted on updates to our local rivers. In addition, the state will be stocking Seeforellen Brown Trout and Atlantic Salmon. With the amount of water we’ve had this season and some pretty good temperatures there will still be some holdovers from Spring as well. Friday's rain has rivers currently high and stained, but look for improvement next week. Bug activity has increased, namely Blue Winged Olives (especially on the Housatonic). Saltwater reports have been relatively quiet due to storms and high winds, however conditions are shaping up to be a great week for our local saltwater anglers. Albies have been seen infrequently in our area, while Rhode Island and Long Island have seen great fishing for hardtails with rafting Stripers mixed in close to the beaches and inlets. Silversides, Bay Anchovies, Peanut Bunker (especially), and Sand Eels are all a part of the menu. Read on for more…


Local Rivers

Friday's rain has rivers high and stained, so best to avoid fishing our local options until conditions improve. Areas to focus on include the Saugatuck, which is flowing at a whopping 928 CFS, and the Mianus, Norwalk, and Mill Rivers. Both the Norwalk and Mianus Rivers are your closest options in relation to our shop. The state has begun Fall/Winter stocking now that the flows and temperatures won’t shock new fish, however only a select few ponds and lakes were stocked, but we will keep you updated! Common insects that you may encounter include a variety of Caddis in Tan and Olive sizes 16-24, Isonychia in sizes 10-12, Blue Winged Olives in sizes 18-24, as well as Tricos in sizes 20-26. Terrestrials are still around with plenty of ants/flying ants. Nymphing will still be your most effective technique until hatches occur, and now is the time to start throwing streamers, as you will pick up the additional fish that are more aggressive and looking for a larger meal. Wooly Buggers are always a safe bet in drab colors (Olive, Brown, Black), but don’t be afraid to switch things up and throw larger articulated patterns on a full sinking or sink tip line. You will want a shorter leader when streamer fishing around 5-7’. One of our favorite streamer lines for Fall is theAirflo Streamer Max Short. The Short head loads rods well for our smaller rivers when targeting the opposite bank and will also sink the fly quickly into the strike zone.

Naugatuck River

Flows on the Naugatuck are high, reading 3390 CFS at Beacon Falls. While flows are still high making things tricky for wading, water temperatures are dropping so now is the time to start thinking about trout fishing. Look to fish similar offerings we are using on our local streams: Sulphurs, Cahills, Caddis, Tricos, Blue Winged Olives, and Terrestrials. October Caddis should start arriving soon so bring some Tan Caddis patterns in sizes 14-18. In respect to other insects, having a range of sizes from 12-24 in nymphs/dries will have you covered. Look to fish Isonychia in the evenings in size 10 and focus on the faster water where they will be more active. Overall, the hatch to focus on will be Blue Winged Olives, which are now becoming more prevalent again, as these are ideal temperatures for both morning and evening hatches. The Naugatuck is a good alternative for areas with more crowds/pressure. Since flows are above average it will be a good time to throw streamers during the mornings and evenings. Throughout the Fall and Winter the state will be stocking Atlantic Salmon in both the Naugatuck and Shetucket Rivers.

USGS Water-data graph for site 01208500

Farmington River

Flows have dropped quickly on the West Branch after our most recent rain, but flows are still high reading 234 CFS at Riverton. The Still is way above average and adding 2230 CFS. Over the past few days water temperatures have improved, starting in the low 60s during the morning and reaching the mid-60s by the afternoon. Surface bug activity will still be the most consistent during the mornings and evenings, with Blue Winged Olives in sizes 20 and smaller being the focus on cooler days. There are still Flying Ants, Tan/Olive caddis in sizes 16-20, and light hatches of Tricos in sizes 22-26. Other considerations are Cahills in 12-20 during the evenings, as well as Isonychia in sizes 12-14. Midges are also a must for this time of year in sizes 20-24 both in the larval (Zebra Midge) and the adult forms. For Nymphing, considerations should be larger Stoneflies (which can be paired with a smaller offering to help get your rig down) as well as Zebra Midges, Pheasant Tails, Perdigones, Caddis Larvae, Hare’s Ears, Waltz Worms, Pheasant Tails, and Prince Nymphs. Since the water is up it will be worth bringing junk flies, such as Mops and Squirmies. This is also a good time to fish streamers, as dropping flows coupled with pre-spawn behavior for Brown Trout will have fish more aggressive as they search for higher calorie meals. In terms of rigging, look to use 5x-6xFluorocarbon when nymphing, andNylon 5x-7x when dry fly fishing. During normal-low flows, and especially with smaller flies, it pays off to have a stealthy leader in the10-12’ range which will aid in a delicate presentation. Staying into the evening can result in some good spinner falls. With all the variety of bug activity, swinging wet flies can be a productive option as well. For Trout Spey Anglers, look to fish larger streamers or intruders paired with afaster sinking tip. Fishing a wet fly swung on aless aggressive sinking tip can pull additional fish. The same can be said for those nymphing with single handers: swinging nymphs at the end of your drift can simulate an emerging insect. Twitching jigged streamers through a run can also be a deadly technique, and good colors to try include olive, black, tan, and white. Your odds will be better with streamers during the morning hours but will improve as Fall progresses. Vary retrieves, starting fast and then slowing down to see what the trout prefer.Remember to not high or low hole anyone. Let’s be respectful to other anglers. Good luck! Keep in mind:Please report any suspicious activity and poaching to DEEP by calling 800-842-4357.

USGS Water-data graph for site 01186000

USGS Water-data graph for site 01186500

Housatonic River

Flows are up again reading 4210 cfs at Falls Village. These flows will prove difficult for wading and water clarity. Therefore, we would advise fishing once the flows drop below at least 1000 CFS. There have been great hatches of Blue Winged Olives size 20 and smaller in the evening, with some Isonychia mixed in (sizes 12-14). Other hatches you may encounter include Tan/Olive Caddis in sizes 16-20, and Flying Ants are still prevalent. As we approach Fall, Trout will start to get into their pre-spawn phase, which means that they will be looking for higher calorie meals so bringing some larger streamers will prove useful. If you are fishing articulated neutrally buoyant streamers, you will want to pair these with asinking line and a short 5’ leader tapered from20lb to 10lb. Now is also a good time for our Trout Spey anglers to consider throwing larger patterns during the afternoon in combination with swinging wet hackles in the mornings and evenings. Afternoon is still a good time to switch over to smallmouth fishing, so bring your Woolly Buggers in a variety of colors, as well as crayfish patterns. Targeting Carp can also be a fun and challenging endeavor. For Carp, we recommend 6-8wt rods with a weight-forward floating line (a Bonefish Taper line works well) paired with a 9’ 8lb Fluorocarbon leader. Egg flies, small nymphs, crayfish patterns or hoppers can work depending on their feeding behavior. When targeting Pike, bite wire or a heavy fluorocarbon section is a must. While floating lines will work, it helps to get subsurface with a full sinking line. A variety of flies will work in 6-10” (a flashtail whistler is always a good option) in different colors. Rods in 8-10wt are ideal for casting large flies and sinking lines. Look for slower sections of river, as well as coves, ledges, and weed beds when hunting for Pike.

USGS Water-data graph for site 01199000


The weather windows have been tricky for getting out on the sound, with the weekend bringing in more wind and rain. Conditions will improve earlier next week with sunny conditions and air temperatures into the mid-70s. Striper and Blue fishing remains steady with the most prevalent bait being peanut bunker and smaller Silversides. Topwater is becoming more productive again which has signaled the start of Fall, and there are some reports of Albies showing up off Bridgeport, Greenwich, and Stratford Shoals, however it is still relatively early for the Western Sound. Water temperatures are starting to cool off into the low 70s. Currently the furthest West Albies have been spotted with regularity is Old Saybrook. Larger Bluefish can be found finning in the mornings in and around coves and beaches, as well as blitzing on bait in deep water structure. Our anglers have reported some impressive Bluefish being landed around 15lbs, and fishing poppers remains an effective and exciting way to get into the action. We recommend bringing wire leader in20lb, and knottable wire is easy to work with when adding a section to your leader. Striper activity will remain most prevalent during dusk and dawn. Deceivers, Clousers, Half n Halfs, and Gurglers continue to fool Stripers. Now is the time of year to bring smaller patterns, as Bay Anchovies and Silversides will be more prominent and will help fuel blitzes. For your standard Striper leader, we prefer a leader7’ of 16-20lb, and if using poppers, you may extend your leader by a couple more feet. It will also help to bring some longer fullfluorocarbon leaders for the chance of encountering Albies in 16lb. Salt ponds continue to hold resident fish, as well as rocky points near the Norwalk Islands. Some anglers have been seeing blitzes nearshore walking the beach, and it’s all about being at the right place at the right time. For our local boat anglers, posting up near the mouths of rivers has proven successful. Mornings are typically best with a focus on the higher tide stages. Some areas to consider are Calf Pasture and the beaches off Westport, Penfield Reef, Holly Pond, and Old Mill. Towards New London the Striper and Bluefish action has been consistent and should only get better with the arrival of Albies.

Hot Flies:
Deceivers in various colors
Bay Anchovy Patterns
Peanut Bunker Patterns
Medium Sized Bunker Flies
Epoxy Sardine (Great Albie Fly)
Bob’s Banger (Stripers and Bluefish)

Good Fly Lines For Fall:
SA Full Intermediate
Wulff Monoclear (For picky Albie days)
Rio Outbound Short (Good for big flies and big winds)
Rio Striper (Good all-rounder)

Please report any poaching to the DEEP by calling 800-842-4357.

New York

Salmon River

Flows on the Salmon River are slightly below average at 447 CFS, and overall, the fishing has been improving throughout the week. Each day there have been more Kings and Cohos moving up through the system, especially if there’s higher water which will have larger numbers of fish traveling up past the estuary. It’s all a matter of finding cooperative pods of fish that are staging. Fish have been spotted in the middle portion of the river, while the upper portion is starting to see fish but still in relatively low numbers. During these average flows look to target the deeper holes as fish will be staging and waiting for conditions to improve to continue up the system. Average water has the fish a little wary so consider using12lb-16lb leaders. There have been more numbers of Steelhead and Brown Trout being landed, especially in the lower part of the river. The most popular approach for Kings has been dead drifting egg sucking leeches and Woolly Buggers in various colors, and some anglers are having success swinging large brightintruders in Pink, Black, Purple, and Blue/Chartreuse in the lower parts of the estuary. Larger Glow Bugs andbeads in different colors will also take fish, so switching up flies/colors and techniques will be the key to success. Having amicro barrel swivel incorporated into your leader will help avoid splitshot sliding down your leader and aid in quicker re-rigging during breakoffs and snags.

USGS Water-data graph for site 04250200


The Mainstem at Lordville on the Delaware River is currently 2060 CFS, while the West Branch at Hale Eddy is flowing at 637 CFS. Flows at Fish’s Eddy on the East are 952 CFS. Water clarity is good under these average flows, and temperatures are fluctuating between the high 50s to low 60s. Flows are still ideal for wading. While temperatures are ideal again, there has been a lack of hatches until the evening, however this will start to improve as we reach more ideal water temperatures. If you’re focused on dry fly fishing, bring Blue Winged Olives in sizes 18-22, Isonychia in sizes 12-14, Cahill in size 16, and Flying Ant patterns. Having a leader of at least12’ of 5x-6x will help when looking for a stealthier approach. Other patterns to consider are Tricos and Little Yellow Sallies. During the mornings and evenings look for surface activity, and by the afternoon it will be mainly a nymphing game. Streamer fishing is now a viable method as Brown Trout approach their pre-spawn, especially since flows are up on the Main and East Branch. In addition, most of the river will start to see October Caddis with more regularity. Nymphing remains the most effective method or fishing a dry-dropper rig. Stoneflies, Pheasant Tails, Hare’s Ears, Caddis Pupa, Caddis Larvae, Waltz Worms, and jig style flies (like Perdigones) are all good subsurface options. Overcast and rainy days will be your best bet for surface activity, and don’t overlook swinging wet flies and nymphs, such as an Isonychia, which will be the most active. For the Neversink, Willowemoc, and Beaverkill rivers bring similar patterns and add Light Cahills to your box.


While most anglers have been unable to get out during the storm and high winds, the pre-storm Albie bite had picked up with tons of action on Bay Anchovies. Albies have been spotted with consistency along the North Shore from Wading River to Gardiners Island, as well as Montauk. Bluefishing also remains hot around some of the jetties and beaches. Now is the time to start thinking about smaller flies as the most prevalent bait will be Bay Anchovies. Shore fishing has been hit-or-miss with most anglers finding Bluefish, and if they’re lucky, some Bonito. Striper Blitzes near shore have been prevalent with schoolies. When fishing by boat, focus on structure around the bays and look for birds/baitfish as Stripers, Albies, or Bluefish will be blitzing. This tends to be a low light scenario. Bringing some poppers, like a Bob’s Banger, will result in some Blue and Striper action during dusk and dawn. Night fishing has held steady for Stripers, especially around docks and lights, and anglers fishing from shore are finding large Stripers off the beaches. Looking for fish pushing bait to the surface in the rips will result in some fish 30lbs and over. Tide movement is crucial when looking for fish, as this will stack bait into the rips which will make for an easy meal. If there is no surface action, you can use an aggressive sinking line paired with a larger Clouser to get deeper. Fishers Island and around Gardiners have also seen Bass crushing Bunker on the surface and Albies are starting to filter nearshore. The back bays on the Northshore are still seeing plenty of Bluefish, and some Albies are starting to filter in, especially near Wading River. With the abundance of bait and different species you will encounter, we recommend bringing some Deceivers, Clousers, Sand Eel patterns, and Popovic’s Surf Candies to imitate Bay Anchovies.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island is seeing the most Albie and Bonito action so far, with most of the areas heating up around Watch Hill, Point Judith, Charlestown Breachway, and the West Wall. Covering ground is the name of the game as some anglers are finding Albies in deeper water as well as along the beaches. Striper rafts have been mixed in nearshore which has proven helpful for our shore bound anglers. Every day has been different, so cover ground and look for signs of bait on the surface. There have been really small Bay Anchovies, in the 1.5” range so having some smaller Tan/White Clousers and Surf Candies will imitate these well if the fish are picky. The ledges off Block Island are still fishing well, with large Stripers and Bluefish on Sand Eels in the rips. Look for fish on top during tide movements at dusk. Some of the flats are seeing slot size and over fish cruising in shallow, with the most effective patterns being crab flies. If you are struggling to find hard tails, the consistent Bluefish action on topwater can save the day, as they are still nearshore in bays and salt ponds. With Stripers being caught up to 40”, Bluefish to play with, and the potential for Albies/Bonito, the Fall run is on!